Getting started with couchdb-python =================================== Some snippets of code to get you started with writing code against CouchDB. Starting off:: >>> import couchdb >>> couch = couchdb.Server() This gets you a Server object, representing a CouchDB server. By default, it assumes CouchDB is running on localhost:5984. If your CouchDB server is running elsewhere, set it up like this: >>> couch = couchdb.Server('') You can also pass authentication credentials and/or use SSL: >>> couch = couchdb.Server('https://username:password@host:port/') You can create a new database from Python, or use an existing database: >>> db = couch.create('test') # newly created >>> db = couch['mydb'] # existing After selecting a database, create a document and insert it into the db: >>> doc = {'foo': 'bar'} >>> ('e0658cab843b59e63c8779a9a5000b01', '1-4c6114c65e295552ab1019e2b046b10e') >>> doc {'_rev': '1-4c6114c65e295552ab1019e2b046b10e', 'foo': 'bar', '_id': 'e0658cab843b59e63c8779a9a5000b01'} The ``save()`` method returns the ID and "rev" for the newly created document. You can also set your own ID by including an ``_id`` item in the document. Getting the document out again is easy: >>> db['e0658cab843b59e63c8779a9a5000b01'] To find all your documents, simply iterate over the database: >>> for id in db: ... print id ... 'e0658cab843b59e63c8779a9a5000b01' Now we can clean up the test document and database we created: >>> db.delete(doc) >>> couch.delete('test')